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Selectmen Minutes 11/13/2012
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
November 13, 2012

Members present:  Mike Paveglio, Jeff Jordan, Richard DeBold
Others present for all or part of the meeting:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Steve Stock, Lucille Noel, Alan Quimby, Allen Mayville, Bernd Reinhardt, Matt Cole, Ed Millette, Donna Chagnon, Thomas Houle, Jim Plunkett, Michele  Plunkett

Chairman Paveglio opened the meeting at 7:00pm.  

Community Building Inspection:  Chief Quimby reviewed the Community Building Inspection report with the Board.  There were several deficiencies.  The Chief will put together a list of items that must be done in order for the building to safely accommodate the public.  The list will be very specific much like a work order.  There was a discussion about whether the Town can allow groups to use the upstairs for meetings.  The Selectmen felt that if it is unsafe it should not be used.  Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan that use of the upper floor of the community building will be closed effective December 1, 2012.  Motion passed.  Mr. DeBold will contact Ruthie Hammond and ask her to let the groups know.
53 Main Street:  Continued discussion from October 30, 2012.  The Selectmen have looked at the property and talked with Paul Sanborn.  Mr. Paveglio does not feel the Board should pursuit a purchase at this time.  He feels it is a lot to ask of the taxpayers given the poor economy.  Mr. DeBold agrees.  Mr. Jordan would like to see that area protected, but thinks it is too much if the entire cost must be raised from tax dollars.  The Historical Society feels they could use the barn, but not the house.  They suggested the house might be utilized for other Town Boards or Departments that do not have a permanent space.  The grounds might be rented for events which would be revenue generating.  Other ideas were for a community garden or events such as Heritage Days.  Ms. Noel feels there may be grants available.  Mr. Paveglio suggested to keep looking for grants; however it is most likely too late for the 2013 warrant.  

Michele Plunkett:  Mr. and Mrs.  Plunkett wanted an update on the zoning complaint they filed with the Selectmen.  Nancy let them know that she and the associate from MRI did an inspection on Thursday.  There was a violation found and she is waiting for the report.  Nancy also said that she had a discussion with DES, who also received a complaint.  DES should be in contact with the Plunketts directly. The issue of noise was discussed.  The Plunketts played a recording of the noise for the Board.  The zoning provision for obnoxious use was discussed.  Nancy felt it was unfair for the offended party to have to pay a fee to bring their neighbors into compliance with the zoning rules.  After a discussion it was decided the Plunkett’s best course of action on the noise issue was to contact the Police Department.  Mr. Paveglio will talk to Chief Clarke regarding this issue.
Other Business

Donation of Land:  Continued discussion from October 30, 2012. The Selectmen received letters of intent to donate land to the Town.  The land is identified as Map 9 Lot 33.  Mr. Paveglio and Mr. Jordan do not wish to accept the property.  Mr. DeBold thinks it may be worth having and selling at a later time.  After a brief discussion the Board decided not to accept the donation.  Nancy will notify the donors.

School Impact fee request:  Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to expend the amount of $12,988.02 to SAU 53 for the purpose of paying the construction bond.  During the discussion Mr. Jordan was concerned about the legality of purpose since enrollment has declined.  Motion passed 2-1; Jordan voted no.

Department of Labor:  The changes made to the on-call rescue personnel were discussed.  Time sheets will be required and the Town must ensure the on call personnel are being paid at least minimum wage for the hours they are actually working and not just on call.

2012 Budget:  There are transfers needed the Selectmen will revisit next week.

Unanticipated Revenues:  Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to accept and expend unanticipated funds in the amount of $4,506.30 received from the State of New Hampshire as reimbursement for payroll expenses incurred for personnel training in the Fire Department.  Motion passed.

Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to accept and expend unanticipated funds in the amount of $300 received from St. Stephens Episcopal Church for the benefit of the food pantry.  Motion passed.

Forestry:  Warden Stock presented the Selectmen with the list of warden appointments.  Mr. Paveglio made a motion seconded by Mr. Jordan to recommend the reappointment of Steve Stock as Fire Warden and the following as Deputy Wardens:  Alan Quimby, Matt Cole, Kris Cole, Ed Millette, George Cooper, Frank Hatch, Michael Paveglio, Paul Sanborn, and Kevin O’Donnell.  Motion passed.

Agricultural Commission:  Ann Davis expressed her interest in joining the Agricultural Commission.  Mr. Jordan made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to appoint Ann Davis to the vacant position on the Agricultural Commission.  The term will expire in 2015.  Motion passed.

Grange Hall windows:  Ms. Noel reported that there has already been damage to the new windows behind the stage.  She feels the windows are susceptible to damage because they are located near the floor.  She asked the Selectmen if boards could be installed as a window guard.  All agreed.

BCEP Budget:  Mr. DeBold wanted to discuss some of the BCEP budget items.  He said that since he is the Board’s representative he would like to get a feel for how the whole Board feels.  There is a proposed 4% increase for the employees.  Mr. DeBold said he is not in favor of the increases.  He did a study on the wages and determined that the BCEP employees are earning higher than average wages and they also receive a bonus.  Mr. Paveglio stated that BCEP has many experienced employees with low turnover and there has been no monetary increase to the Town.  He wants to support the Administrator’s decision and give raises.  Mr. DeBold said he could not justify the raises as he views the BCEP as an extended Town Department and we are not giving raises to the Town employees this year.  Mr. Jordan agreed that he would not favor raises this year as the Town employees are not getting any increases.

Fire Truck:  Matt Cole reported the new truck should be in town toward the end of December.

Supervisors of the Checklist:  Barbara Frangione has resigned from the Supervisors of the checklist.  The Selectmen are thankful for her many years of service.

Elections:  Evelyn Pike gave the Selectmen a notice that she will not be planning the meals for elections anymore.

Conservation Commission:  The Board would like the Conservation Commission to talk with them about their budget which is over by $35.00.  The Selectmen thought that the fee for an appraisal would come out of the Commissions fund not from the budget.

Court:  Nancy informed the Board that she and Warden Stock will be in court on November 29th to resolve an unpaid fire bill.

A motion by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 9:22.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,
Approved when signed

Nancy Tanner

_________________________               _____________________      ________________________
 D. Michael Paveglio, Chairman              Jeffrey Jordan                                 Richard DeBold